Exclusiv Interview mit der bezaubernden Eliana Cargnelutti
1. Hello Eliana! The song “Strange kind of woman” was released in 1971 on the “Fireball” album.
Who of you was so impressed by this the song, to name the band?
A bassist, the best friend of Eliana Cargnelutti, but the idea came out almost simultaneously to both of us discussing a title of a Deep Purple song to give to the band.
2. Eliana, you are known as winner of some important contests in Italy and have collaborated with various blues artists. How to come to such a different kind of music?
I always played rock and hard rock, even before playing the blues, however Deep purple’s music represents exactly my favorite genre of music:
blues hard rock. And I think my next CD draws a lot from that, perhaps with some modernity.
3. Have all of you been Deep Purple fans before and how came up the idea to cover one of the most known bands of the world?
Personally I really thought that creating a brand new band and new musical businesses was what I needed to expand my carreer in all Europe and to grow
as a musician and as a manager. Before becoming Alice Cooper’s guitarist Nita Strauss was simply the guitarist of a female tribute band of Iron Maiden..
now she’s very considered as a guitarist and she’s playing wonderful shows, she’s doing a fantastic job with her music too.
So maybe one day every single musician of this Strange kind of women band can become the musician of some famous artist too..
even if sometimes to play original music is the best thing to do. This kind of music is easy for me and very emotional …
also I like to do things that nobody does, to differentiate myself, not only in the business.
4. Is there a story of how you meet in the past? I read in another interview, that you contacted the two best musicians in Italy and singer Alteria?
It was around 4 years ago. When I decided to try to make this idea tangible, I thought about exactly which italian female musicians I wanted in the project.
So I called them on the phone, and they all accepted right away! We rehearsed together for the first time in July 2018.
And in August of that year our first video was published on Facebook, and it went viral. Our debut live show was in January 2019 in Italy.
5. How important is it to you all, to become close and even friends? Is this a “must” for having fun and travelling much more than before?
It’s not absolutely essential to be friends, but civil and simple people do, with a strong relational talent and natural likeability.
We’ve all been very lucky, now we get along better than ever, and we’re friends too, it seems like a dream.
6. How much songs to have in your repertoire from DP? Will there be more in the future?
We have now 18 songs of Deep Purple, we will soon include Lazy, Hush, When a blind man cries, etc.. in the setlist!
Eliana is a real „front wife“ and has a good sense of humour, as can be seen here: